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Major Courses Offered
Before selecting which University or College you want to apply to, first know what course you would like to take. Below are some of the popular courses that are taken by international students. Choose a subject in which you are interested in and which can lead to employment once your graduate.
Canadian Universities offer a number of fields of study ranging from Arts, Languages, History as well as Management and Engineering. Listed below are some of the popular courses for international students.
Arts are a big part of the Canadian cultural life. It has an interesting history and legacy in the field of Art. The large and diverse immigration which has taken place over the years, especially from Europe, laid the foundation for Art, which includes painting, scultpure, photography, film and design. Therefore, the cultural and artistic life assimilates many interesting styles which are still present in the larger cities of Canada.
There are many universities and art institutes in Canada offering a number of art degrees combining theoretical lectures with practical exercises and visits to important artistic landmarks. Some of the courses available under this program include:
Art & Design
Art History
Arts Management
Art History & Visual Culture
Film Production
Film Studies
Media Studies
Engineering and Technology
Engineering is one of the most popular courses selected by international students. Major economic sectors such as infrastructure, construction and transportation are booming, therefore, creating employment demand. Specializations in Engineering and Technology include:
Systems Engineering
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Materials Engineering
Minerals Engineering
Geomatics Engineering
Cognitive Systems
Data Science
Biomedical Engineering
There are a number of career opportunities for those graduating in Engineering and Technology.
Environmental Science
Environmental Science is becoming more and more popular with the focus on the climate crisis. Specializations under Environmental Science include:
Environmental Earth Sciences
Environmental Studies
Environment and Toxicology
Environment and Health
Agro Environmental Sciences
Forest Sciences
These courses train students on how to approach and solve environmental problems by using ecosystem ecology policies while taking into consideration ethics. These programs are experience-based learnings with students getting an opportunity to see first hand the impact of human activity on the global environment through research and on-site projects.
Canada's healthcare system has been highly rated globally. Canada has received praise for its focus on prevention and primary care. The Medical Schools focus a lot on research. If you are looking to study medicine, Canada is the best place for it. Canada offers the following specializations:
Biological Sciences
Medicine & Dentistry
Social Sciences
Social Sciences encompasses fields as vast as Psychology, InternatIonal Relations, Political Science, Women's Studies and more. These programs are adapted to the realities of today's world. Social Science programs convey an interdisciplinary perspective to help students gain valuable skill like:
Critical Thinking
Project Management
This skills also match the skills required in today's job market.
International students wanting to study Business studies can choose from a number of specializations:
Brand Management
Operations Management
Risk Management
Logistics Management
These courses can also be combined with an internship term or work experience. Employment opportunities in these fields are also very high according to Service Canada's projections.